Monday, October 03, 2005

Promised Possum

Well, here he is. The little guy I wrote about earlier. I usually see them play-acting or deceased at the side of the road, and though I can't say it was a "treat" to meet face to face, it was - at the very least - an interesting interaction!


Martie said...

Several years ago my dog was barking in the backyard at something. I decided to check it out and found nothing significant but the dog kept insisting so I peeked over the 6 foot tall fence and came face to face with a racoon! Not a pleasnt experience but as you said a very interesting encounter to say the least! BTW, if you miss those box elder bugs I'm sure I could box up a few and ship them to you!! LOL

clew said...

Bizarre little critters, aren't they? Seems like I heard somewhere that possums continue to grow until they die. Also raccoons and beavers.

Useless fact of the day ;) ...

Cheryl said...

These lovelies are EVERYWHERE around here. They like to run on top of the slumpstone walls that surround so many of the houses. Giant rats, if you ask me.