Sunday, October 05, 2008


I love this time of year when sunflowers dot the landscape like brown-faced angels embraced in golden halos.

To our east there are three fields filled with them, asking for a sitting to capture their loveliness.

I made it out three separate times to capture photos, though just have pictures from the first so far. The window of opportunity is only open a few weeks before they begin to hang their weary heads and the fields turn brown.

It is a once a year chance to capture their natural beauty in its pageantry and each year, I am newly thrilled.


~Brenda said...

I too enjoy sunflowers; we have a couple of rows of them in our garden. To have 3 fields to enjoy and photograph would be awesome; I love these photos; they would nice on a greeting card!

Mike said...

my favorite flowers! Just love what they represent!

anajz said...

lovely...just lovely!