Friday, September 18, 2009

Embrace the moment!

This is a picture I love. It was taken by one of my daughter's friends while they walked down the road leading away from our house. There is something unbridled and unrehearsed when young people take the camera, and it's reflected in moments like these. Moments when joy comes naturally from time spent together; when you look down the road and see so much ahead. When the world is embraced with energy and hope and plans for the future. When you love everything about your life.

"Oh, who will walk a mile with me...along life's merry way?"
This is a picture I love...


John said...

What a great picture! You nailed it with your words, too. The words 'unbridled and unrehearsed' seem to capture what a good life should be made of, I think. It resonates something child-like in each of us. At least, something in this boy.

Nicely done, Lori.

~Brenda said...

Lovely capture and I too enjoyed your writing! The dog seems to be enjoying the moment as well. :)

Slone said...

Your photos are always so full of life! I love em!!

Jamie Dawn said...

This truly is a joyful and fun photo!
I love the commentary you provided for it, and I totally agree with your assessment.
It's a terrific pic!!!


Networkchic said...

I have missed your pics...they always are so inspiring. I remember when I was young and the biggest decision I had to make was which way to walk to school. Life gets so complicated when you grow up.

Macromoments said...


I've lost all my followers, when the new Blogger dumped them last spring, but was able to find your blog again. Hurray!

It has been fun catching up with your posts. I'm going to read more each day. (Love this picture of your daughter. Where has the time gone?)

Macromoments said...


I laughed at myself just now when I realized I called you Laurel. It's been much too long, LORI. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the pic too!
happy dogs and the beauty of youth along with a Kansas landscape.
What's not to love!

Unknown said...

great post