Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A 21st

Today my daughter turns 21. Twenty-one. How did the years pass so swiftly?

It surely wasn't that long ago when I held her, as a new baby, in my arms for the first time. Yet here is proof in the beautiful young woman who stands before me.

Gone are the days of picture-making as she sits at her little school desk, pen gripped firmly in her left hand. Disney tunes no longer resonate from her room as she twirls in her pretty sundresses and sings along. Barbies are tucked away in plastic containers and fluffy stuffed animals gather dust from inattention.

It is as it should be. Another autumn is around the corner and a college dorm awaits. I'm excited for her as she begins yet another part of her journey. But I'll miss her...

For now, on this July day, I'll pretend she's mine forever as I tuck the memories close to my heart and savor each moment we share.
Twenty-one. Indeed, they've passed so quickly.

Happy Birthday, my beautiful girl. I Love You!


~Brenda said...

Lori, what a beautiful post you have written about your beautiful daughter!

John said...

There is something about a childhood that can never be regained, but that doesn't mean it gets lost. A good adult carries with them a great deal of child-like qualities.

You've done well, Lori. Happy Birthday to your daughter and happy remembrance to you!

Cheryl said...

No way! How did that happen so fast? Your consistent pride in your lovely girl tells me what a terrific young woman she's become.

srp said...

I know how that feels. Nyssa and college that were at least close enough to see her once in a while. Then grad school back in Mississippi and now... tomorrow... she leaves her dad's and heads for Nevada... a world away.. for three years of doctorate work. We cannot help but worry a little and love a lot.

Happy 21st to your daughter. (Nys will be 25 next April...where did the years go?????)