Recently my daughter went to an interview for a college scholarship offered through one of our local businesses. She came home distraught that afternoon, saying she hadn't done well and was frustrated that she hadn't given as good of an interview as she would have wished. I told her not to be so hard on herself, and to remember that more people would miss out on the scholarships than receive them. I explained that it was a good learning experience and was good practice for the future.
Today we attended a dinner and meeting where the winner of two scholarships would be announced. I watched as the 12 or so students took the stage and focused on my daughter's gentle smile. Despite her lack of confidence in how she presented herself at that interview, she was awarded a $1,000 scholarship towards next year's college costs.
She should have been excited, but I knew she would immediately be thinking of her friends who were also up for the award. It's hard for her to celebrate when she knows that others are let down. And with her usual grace, she checked any enthusiasm and cheered silently as she observed the solemn faces of her classmates, taking the attention off of herself and thinking only of them.
I know that she was not only chosen because she's intelligent on paper, but because she is real....genuine....and unintentionally charming. And because sometimes people aren't looking for the 'right' answers to questions, but to 'new' answers that are unrehearsed, fresh and straight from the heart.
So my beautiful daughter......Congratulations! I am so proud of you for so many reasons. And though you'll never give yourself the accolades you deserve, just know that you will always be a winner in my eyes.
I Love You.