To the east the clouds gathered in lovely billows of white cotton: a thing of beauty for me - an evening of storms for someone else. Turning to the west I could see faces raised to the sky and hear laughter floating through the air.
I'm happiest when there are young ones around, for merriment is always better when multiplied and shared. The heart of a teenager is still optimistic and uncluttered from the world's trials and disappointments. The smiles and laughter are real, unrehearsed and contagious.
May the joys of the summer find you too this weekend, and may you celebrate their glory with the enthusiasm and energy of youth.
Ah! Paradise, memories are made of this.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if all our days could be filled this way? But then, we wouldn't have grown or become strong. The winds and storms of life help the young saplings to gain strength and set strong roots... as it does for us as well.
It has been a rough week across the plains... hope your friends and neighbors all weathered the storms well!
Ahh, that looks nice. It's amazing to me how flat it is out there.
Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate your warm-wishes. Yes, I have been busy spending quality time with Sandy.
...I do finally have a new post up though ;)
What fun! Warm evenings are so pleasant. I enjoy them so much. I like to sit on my back porch and just listen to the sounds of the bugs and frogs and people's voices in the distance.
I wish you many more wonderful evenings like the one you described.
Lucy is adorable!!!
Badminton was a big part of my childhood - and togetherness, and family, and camaraderie.
You just brought back beautiful, warm memories of a precious time
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