Remember When
On New Year's Day, we celebrated my mom and dad's 60th wedding anniversary. We gathered at my sister's house where she had put together a video representing their years together. While viewing it the first time, I used my camera to tape it directly off of the television. I didn't have a tripod and had to zoom in close, so it was pretty shaky. But it was also difficult to hold the camera still due to the emotion and tears while watching my parents - and our family - grow through the years.
We are so fortunate, all of us. I thank God for the blessing of my parents; for their meeting and their marriage all those years ago and for what we have - and have become - through the passing of time.
Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad. I'm so glad to be part of it all.
What a great day in the lives of your parents and your family. Great pictures!!! Where do you fit in--in the family?? Which one is you in the pictures????
Have a great day!
I am in the top left photo, standing in the back on the right with the black blouse and necklace. You may have to click on the photos to see them better. I am the 5th of 6 children, the 'baby' girl.
That photo is of the 'kids' and spouses who were able to be there. The bottom photo is of the grandchildren who were there. Two of my brothers, a sister-in-law, my husband and five of the grandchildren were missing. The baby is the first great grandchild. For their 50th we all went to Colorado for a family vacation. We plan a late celebration this summer in Branson. :-)
That's neat, Lori.. Thanks!!! I had two older brothers (one -20 yrs. older than me and one- 12 yrs. older than me)--so I was a huge surprise to my parents. Mama was 42 when I was born and Daddy was 53. I yearned for a big family at times since I was almost an only child growing up (since both brothers were grown and gone as I grew up). Crazy, huh???
Isn't it great to look back and remember the good stuff?
60 years is a long time to do ANYthing!...congratulations to your parents and good on you for still feeling it inside.
Great stuff. Have a goodin! ( love that phrase!....everytime I hear it I think of ya!)
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