Wednesday, January 11, 2006

After the snow comes......

Slippery, sliding, ooey, gooey, slimy, grubby, icky, sticky, yucky stuck-on MUD. I don't know how this picture ever came out looking so good since my car is encased in it. The one argument I have against country life......

1 comment:

Lori said...

Pete, I remember the fun of mud; getting stuck knee deep out in the fields as a child; having a car dug in to the rims as a teenager and hey, once in awhile it's a hoot out here. But sliding to work, brakes locked up, getting it all over my clothes when I get out to go in to work, having the back porch puddled up with muddy water while several pairs of shoes sport tell-tale signs of it for months to come....THAT, I can do without! :-)